The Master of Winds

Former staff officer and tactician of the Greil Mercenaries. Now traveling alone in search of new adventures and beginnings.

Fan Account | Indie Portrayal | Post-Radiant Dawn RP | MVRP | Mature Themes

Warnings and Rules


Things to heavily consider before following.

  • 18+ themes; ie. mentions of sex and violence

  • Dark themes related to death, murder, depression, etc.

  • Themes regarding generational trauma

  • Solos may mention self-harm

  • Mentions of or allusions to eating disorders


Account rules to read through and consider before and while RPing with me. All of these are in place because I have experienced these scenarios more than once and they take the fun out of RP for me. They also help to keep RP genuine, fair, and easy for both parties.Feel free to take and use for yourself if you feel it's needed.


  • No DM RP unless I say otherwise, or asked first and consented by me. DMs will be used strictly for writer-to-writer chat by default.

  • Do NOT DM me randomly for personal information (ie. full name, address, other social media like Snapchat or Facebook) or to establish an IRL romantic relationship. I'm all for making friends, and please feel free to call me Chy! But beyond this, I choose who I disclose my information to. It’s fine to ask for my discord but know that I give it out selectively.


  • No lewd RP TL for the courtesy of others.

  • Chem-based lewd is preferred.

  • Asking for lewd is perfectly fine, but do not attempt to force your character onto mine or guilt-trip me into writing it with you. You'll be blocked.


  • Ships with chemistry only. I'm all for plotting and planning for a relationship, but I still prefer chemistry to be established in writing. The only exception to this rule is Ike due to pre-established strong chem.

  • I will be doing up to 8 ships, including a main ship. They will be recorded and posted under my pinned tweet. This will be the best way for me to keep track of everyone so please check there for my ships!

  • All ships will exist outside of my canon timeline and in separate AUs. These are strictly for fun and exploring the ways Soren would navigate casual relationships. None of these AUs are meant to interact/collide with each other in any way so I won't mention them existing together (although I may crack a few jokes when OOC). Also, for the sake of my own sanity, please be courteous to me and my other shipping AUs, and DO NOT mention them existing in the same AU!

  • The main ship, or the primary ship, will be referred to the most often in public spaces or "canon" RP.

  • If an issue comes up with our ship, or your ability to ship with me, let me know! I may not see something generally posted on the TL so just shoot me a quick message when you can if I don't see it!

  • I will NOT ship or lewd with furries, scalies, etc. Please don't ask me to. Although the Laguz, with heavy chem provided, are fine.

  • I will NOT ship with 2nd gen FEA characters and pre-TS FE3H characters.


  • Do not follow or interact if you're under the age of 18. Some NSFW jokes and situations may be made/alluded to so I'd feel better if I didn't have minors on my page. The first follow will be met with a softblock. The second time will be met with a hardblock.

  • NO 2nd person RP. This means no “You start to feel,” “You begin to imagine,” “I stab you,” or anything of the sort that controls my character in any way. I do accept certain conditions of 2nd-person, but otherwise, if it's used in that sense, the RP will be both ignored and dropped.

  • Don't ask me to RP another character on this account.

  • If you follow me on a non-RP account, do not expect a followback. If I do end up following you back, even if I know you, you will be muted to keep my TL strictly RP-related content.

  • Do NOT follow and unfollow excessively for a follow-back. This is extremely annoying. You'll just be ignored the second time you do it.

  • Don't pester me to get on an account. I have a life outside of this place and it regularly gets hectic. Patience is greatly appreciated!

  • Don't attempt to guilt-trip me into RPing with you. You'll be ignored and blocked.

  • No political rhetoric. Please. We're all here to escape the real world. Respect that most of us don't want to hear it and need the break.

  • DO NOT follow me if your account is pedophilic/borderline pedophilic or if you are a MAP/MAP associate.

  • If I softblock you (a sudden, mutual unfollowing), please don't follow back. If I haven't made an announcement regarding Twitter messing with my follows and we are suddenly unfollowing each other, 9/10 times I've softblocked you. I'm open to conversation as to why but don't expect to change my mind about my decision.

  • Do not take anything I do or say through my character seriously. As in, don't take what Soren says as something I would say IRL. This is fiction, and despite his development, he can still be very cold. Don't mix RL and RP together and make things personal. You'll be ignored if you're ignorant.

  • If you have a problem with something I've posted, please notify me about it. I’m open to working and talking things out and taking down a post, but not if you're ignorant about the situation. Be civilized and I'll be understanding.

  • If I ever forget to respond to a RP that doesn't meet any of the conditions here, please, remind me! I hate leaving people hanging and 9/10 times, I haven't dropped something on purpose. Life gets busy! :c

Personal data


*Commissioned from picnicic!

Full NameSoren
Full TitleSoren, The Master of Winds
HobbiesStudying, reading, all things tea
LikesReliable people, the cold, tea, (occasional) red wine
DislikesSweets (would rather eat pastries over candies), spicy foods, being interrupted or talked over, being touched by total strangers
SexualityBisexual (male leaning)


*Stats are based on those developed and created towards the end of and after Radiant Dawn. All stats in green are capped.




Headcanons and Other Lists

Please refer to the Warnings page before following the headcanons link!


*Typically affected by how long a battle is being fought in turns. Since Soren hardly fights anymore, he would often be Normal or Bad. He cycles through each point once per turn, typically starting at Normal on Turn 1. Please note comments below on what biorhythm effects, courtesy of the Fire Emblem Wiki.

Best+10 Hit, +10 Avoid, +10% Skill activation, +20% Chance of finding hidden items.
Good+5 Hit, +5 Avoid, +5% Skill activation, +10% Chance of finding hidden items.
NormalNo effect.
Bad-5 Hit, -5 Avoid, -5% Skill activation, -10% Chance of finding hidden items.
Worst-10 Hit, -10 Avoid, -10% Skill activation, -20% Chance of finding hidden items.



Other Soren AUs I've come up with alongside this one!


The archive for everything Perda (Timeline A Soren - my first portrayal, which needed a major overhaul.)
Falling into a spiraling depression after his split with Ike, Perda sought comfort in the arms of anyone who would open them up to him. He left behind an estate and a legacy of tragedy in his wake.

The Prince of Goldoa

Prince AU - Soren is being raised as a dragon prince in within the comforting confines of the Goldoan border under his mother, young uncle Kurthnaga, and grandfather. Life seems to be pretty idealistic, despite being the only Branded of the country, unbeknownst to him. That is, until war breaks out...

The Half-Breed Prince

Prince AU - King Soren. Soren accepted his lineage and ascended both the thrones of Daein as its 16th king and of Goldoa as its 3rd king. While both nations struggle to take to this new change, the officials working underneath Soren hope his presence rings in a new era of peace across all of Tellius.

The Prince of Daein

Prince AU - Prince Soren. Having been as a Daein prince under the watchful eye of his mother, Soren prepares to ascend the throne after the country becomes occupied after the death of the Mad King Ashnard. Against Almedha's wishes, Soren joins the battle to protect the only place he's ever known.

Soren's House

A house Soren purchased in central Crimea. It was first purchased with the intention of living out the rest of his days with his ex-husband, sold because he was low on money, then later repurchased with financial aid. The property lies within a remote area of Crimea. **Visual provided using the Sims 4. It's not completely accurate but to be used as a reference.Currently, he lives alone, with his recently proclaimed apprentice and daughter-figure, Frankie. The house is nestled within a forest entrance and right across the way from the river, just an hour or two ride from the capital, Melior. Outfitted with 5 rooms total, both Soren and Frankie (previously a guest room) have their own bedrooms, a bathroom, the sage has a personal study, and there is a designated kitchen and dining area right off of the entrance. Originally made completely from stone, the house now has wooden floorboards to give a more cozy feel. At first glance, his house appears typical for the environment and time period, but as Soren travels, he continues updating his room to his liking. Unlike most Tellite homes, the windows are made of glass and have shutters, keeping the elements out at his will. Currently, his next goal is eventually setting up an off-grid water system (mostly due to pressure from Frankie).Very few people know the location of Soren's house and even fewer former colleagues even know he has one. Only those in his close-knit circle (or people who have happened to track him down) know. If the weather is warm, he can be found outdoors in the very early morning, under the tree closest to his front door with a book and a cup of tea. In the winter, if conditions allow, he may be found outside in a blanket.

Perda Manor

A property gifted to Perda by Daein and Goldoa, set in Timeline A. The island, right off the Oribes Gulf, was purchased from Crimea by Almedha and Kurthnaga, who recognized Perda as the rightful heir to the thrones of Daein and Goldoa, and as he refused to claim either throne, upon it was built a single house. The manor was furnished with many rooms for his children and for the house attendants who would be hired to stay with him and help it function. It also withheld a small ballroom, family room, study, library, a secret lab (which would come later for two of the children), two washrooms, and two balconies, one private to Perda.The estate was fairly private, with the only sea traffic being from necessary shipments that Perda managed himself, the necessary travel of attendants, few within his close circle, and Perda himself. Still, with as many bodies as was needed to run the manor like a well-oiled machine, the building remained a constant bustle. It functioned like any other piece of land owned by a duke, but the appropriate title and recognition were profusely refused. Even so, Almedha couldn't be left to sit and watch her son live off of nothing, so it was named a gift from both crowns, as opposed to a legitimate estate.After Perda's death, the property remained empty and abandoned. All children were set to see proper homes and attendants were given to the state of Daein to ensure they still had jobs when the tragedy struck. Now, nearly all travel to the island is strictly forbidden, with the only remaining structures of the tragic era being the building itself and a tombstone.

「Timeline B」

An attempt at a 10-year cohesive timeline beginning from the in which Ike and Soren (who are at A-Support) leave Tellius together after the Goddess War and through the beginning of my time on Twitter (August 2012). This timeline also runs marks the date of my account reboot for Soren (December 2015), so some recorded actions may be linear but varied to what I previously did on /FireEmblemSoren.Actions on that account before December 16th, 2015 are noted as "Timeline A". All actions performed afterwards are the actions of my current interpretation, known as "Timeline B".


Please be aware of the Warnings section. Click on the green titles to view the solos.

Family Matters

Soren is a small boy trying to navigate life with a rather cold mother figure. He longs to leave the house and live like his peers, but spends his time sharpening his perception of the world instead.

Magic and Darkness

Soren is sold off to an old sage, who believes him to be a Spirit Charmer. Because of this, the old man trains the young boy tirelessly until he passes. After seeking asylum in a nearby beorc village, he comes across a grim realization. They refuse to help him because the laguz look down on him and he finds himself on the brink of oblivion.


After wandering the land, searching for the only boy who held out a warm hand to him, he happens upon a church in Crimea and they welcome him into their church.


Soren sets off on his journey to find Ike, scouring Tellius for the blue-haired boy. With new knowledge and skills in his arsenal, he is fully prepared for anything that may come his way.


These are the current headcanons I have for Soren. They're based on both canon information and character development during RP. Headcanons containing sensitive topics will be marked with (TW) first.

  • (TW) Soren suffers from mild separation anxiety and attachment disorder due to his terrible childhood. This causes him to cling to certain people in what may be viewed as an "unhealthy" manner. While he still deals with his attachment disorder often (finding smiling to be difficult, having a hard time finding an appropriate balance of touch, social and emotional regulation, having the fearful-avoidant attachment style, etc.), his separation anxiety isn't as intense as it used to be.

  • While he is good at hiding it, he is afraid of thunderstorms because he is extremely prone to lightning damage. Since Dragon Laguz have a weakness to Thunder Magic, he has a slight weakness to it as well. It may also explain why he is adept in Wind Magic, as it beats Thunder in the Trinity of Magic.

  • Although he was certain he had feelings for Ike, he didn't necessarily develop physical attraction to him, or men in general, until after the Mad King's War when they had more time to spend together. This is possibly because he simply hadn't let himself focus on it during the war. His sexual attraction intensified as the years went on, allowing himself to fully delve into his feelings for the swordsman, and eventually others, after the Goddess War.

  • Soren is fluent in the Old Tongue of Tellius. Being forced to learn it in order to cast at a very young age, he continued his studies into his mid-teens until he knew enough to hold a casual conversation.

  • During his travels and upon meeting those from different universes, he has come hold a large dislike for firearms. He's mostly afraid of the loud sound they give off.

  • (TW) He used to suffer from suicidal thoughts and practice self-harm up until his mid-20s. Suffering through the physical abuse of his childhood, this propelled him into sadomasochism as a coping mechanism or a way to reclaim that kind of pain with his first partner who was heavily into it. His body still retains the scars, which he often keeps hidden under his robes.

  • He knows who his birth parents are and while he isn't fond of his lineage or his living mother, he has become more comfortable talking to others about it.

  • He isn't very good at cooking at all, but he still tries his hand at it.

  • Although he doesn't know his actual date of birth, he chose April 3rd because it was the day he and Ike first met.

  • This interpretation of Soren is based on both of his Japanese and localized personalities. While he can come across as very cold, mean, and angry, he also has a softer side that is merely aloof, formal, and blunt. If someone is willing to dig deep enough or catches his attention enough, he'll begin to display a deeper layer of himself that is very soft, loving, and subservient.

  • He hates the idea of having his own children, and this derives from the fear that he may be as apathetic towards that child as his caretakers were to him. But because of this very fear, if a child is ever in need, he will do everything in his power to properly assist them.

  • Soren is very good at ballroom dancing, learning how to do it as a child, though he rarely ever gets to do so.

  • He is not fond of Elincia specifically, for obvious reasons, but will not let his dislike of her get in the way of his and the Mercenaries' duties. This will be one of the hardest relationships for him to develop if she aims to have a friendship with him.

  • He goes off to Ike's room or to find him and fall asleep near him after he's had a terrible dream because the company helps him rest easier. Sometimes he sleeps in his bed, but he tries not to make a habit of it.

  • Having been away from Tellius for nearly a decade, his main goal is to find new suitable allies. His closest companionships are reflected in his Support Lists.

  • Due to his Goldoan background, he tans surprisingly well in the summer.

  • Soren didn't receive his name until the age of 8 or 9, found in one of his favorite books to read throughout his time at the monastery that took him in.

  • He is naturally up at the crack of dawn or right beforehand on a typical day.

  • His physical presentation is very important to him. His robes are always kept clean and wrinkle-free (when it can be helped), and each piece is chosen meticulously to bring his entire "look" together. His haircare routine is just as detailed, if not more, leaving his hair very soft to the touch.

  • Though he loves the cold, it's sometimes difficult for him to create body heat. He'll usually wrap or layer up, or if he's comfortable enough with someone, he'll cling to them subconsciously for more heat.

  • The items in his Major Acquired Items list hold some sort of memory or meaning to him. Since he is always on the go, and people come and go out of his life, the items serve as keepsakes. If ever necessary, he can let go of the smaller items (chopsticks, letters, calligraphy set) without batting an eye, but if he lost or damaged the bigger or more meaningful ones (Alastor, his Ike plush, Perda's journal), he wouldn't be able to forgive himself. A large majority of these items are located in his home, so no one would know about his collectables unless they came to visit.

  • Forehead kisses are his favorite type of kiss, especially those placed on his brand: the thing that his identity and self-esteem issues are directly tied to. It makes him feel loved in spite the terrible things he's been told as a Branded.

  • He has officially and completely retired his sage robes, opting to only wear his white Archsage ones, signifying his shift in personality and to create more distinction for himself.

  • Though he appears and genuinely behaves more mild-mannered than he once was, he still uses it as a tactic to gain more allies and trust amongst those of interest. But no one is above his scrutiny and comments deriving from it.

  • He's quick to fluster when it comes to flirtateous conversations. Whether it be speaking on his personal romantic interests or someone trying to sway him, his natural response is to clam up, much to his chagrin. His expertise lies within his head, not his heart.

  • The magic in Tellius is based on the Ancient Language and requires a certain level of reading and understanding to be able to cast, unlike magicks outside of the continent (ie. other Fire Emblem games). The magic lies within the written spell and the tome is the conduit. Not only is Soren fluent in this language, his skill in magic is so high that he can cast at full power without speaking or reading the off spells. It begins with a thought of the words to build his energy and when he's in the zone, he can pull directly from the power of the words residing in the tome without thinking, and this is what makes his silent casting so dangerous. If he chooses to read off his spells, it's usually to create and maintain focus and spirit.

  • To add to the above, his silent casting can be still be affected by a Silence Staff if he's hit by one. He isn't very susceptible to it, but if he's hit, the same conditions apply to him as they do those who read their spells allowed, even if he recites the words in his head. The staff mainly serves as an inhibitor to mages to draw energy from their tomes.

  • After classing up to an Archsage, he decided to also learn to wield a knife but did not heavily focus on it until after the Goddess War. To this day, his isn't particularly skilled with a knife, throwing or direct (this especially), preferring to rely on magic and staves, but he can now do minor damage with it.

  • As someone with high magic, not only can he sense the disposition of magic within others, he is also attuned to some aspects of metaphysics. Particularly, he can sometimes hear spirits and has the ability to interact with the astral plane via dreams and meditation, though he isn't skilled in honing this ability. If he concentrates hard enough and the spirit wishes to be seen, he is able to see them.

  • He's very good at throwing out insults because it's all he's heard for the first several years of his life.

List of Locations Visited

Hailing from Crimea, these are the places Soren's visited after leaving Tellius with Ike. Some of these places have been visited after the Timeline ends.

  • Daein

  • Gallia

  • Begnion

  • Hatari

  • Perda Manor

  • Wallachia

  • Styria

  • Midgar

  • DK Isles

  • Animal Crossing - New Horizons Island

  • Hoshido

  • Hyrule - TP

  • Hyrule - OoT

  • Hyrule - King Vaati AU

  • Termina

  • Devil May Cry

  • Fortuna

  • Red Grave City

  • Garreg Mach Monastery

  • Alene’s Bar

  • Ylisse

  • IKEA

List of Major Acquired Items

Each item listed below is an item that is considered important to Soren or a useful/sentimental gift given to him. The items can either be found either in his home or on his person.

  • Alastor - A wedding gift from Dante {@SpardasTrueWill}. Hung on the wall of his study.

  • Vital Star (1) - Given to him by Zander. Kept on hand in case of emergencies.

  • Letters from Almedha (20) - Discarded on May 8th, 2022.

  • Ike Plush Doll - Gifted by Radiare. Always kept on his bed.

  • Fancy Calligraphy Set - Gifted by Kafei. Main usage, though rare, for professional documents.

  • Laptop with Built-in CD Player - Given by Vivi. Kept at home specifically for watching movies *and browsing Craigs List. (*crack RP purposes)

  • Book Page Holder (2) - Given by Harumi and *Kai. Kept on his person at all times. (*AU gift)

  • Ornate Notebook - Gifted by Vaati. Used to take notes on the fly.

  • Wipe Your Paws Doormat - Gifted to him by Tseng and placed in front of his front door.

  • Fancy Tea Set - Soren’s housewarming gift to himself. One of the very few expensive, ornate items he owns.

  • Perda’s Journal - Found in Perda Manor. A journal detailing all of his counterpart’s experiences and feelings up until the bitter end.

  • Bunny Suit - (Ears, cuffs, tail, and suit have been discarded) A suit made specifically for a pop-up club.

  • Scantily Clad Neko Maid Outfit - (AU gift) A pair of ears and a dress given by Kai.

Year 1

Tellius Year 650

MarchThe Goddess Ashera is slain.
AprilApril 3rd - Soren's Birthday. [A Personal Celebration]; Soren has always claimed April 3rd as his unofficial birthday. Unbeknownst to Ike, it was the day they reunited in Crimea after their first meeting under a tree in Gallia.
April 20th - Ike's Birthday. Business as usual. The company celebrates Ike's birthday under a new era of peace.
MayThe company attends Elincia and Geoffrey's wedding, and thus, Geoffrey's crowning.
Ike decides that now that peace is upon them, it's time for him to move on. He tells Soren that he's leaving forever and has considered doing this, and Soren doesn't stand for it, which is expected. After a long talk, it's decided that Soren will joining him on his adventures.
JulyAlmedha can’t hold her tongue any longer. After catching wind of Ike and Soren's departure, she, Kurthnaga, Pelleas, and Micaiah decide to send Soren an invitation back to Nevassa for a private meeting to explain his origins to him.
AugustIke and Soren depart Tellius for the final time, after deciding that this would be best for the both of them.
The pair decide to head to Hatari as their very first stop. Though they are close to home and still technically on Tellius soil, they choose not to turn back to visit. They end up buckling down here for a few months.
Within the first few weeks of their adventure, Ike witnesses prejudice against the Branded (Soren) firsthand. It bothers Ike more than it does Soren but he reassures him that he's fine.
OctoberSurprisingly, they run into the Heron Prince Rafiel, who tells them that he will be a permanent resident of Hatari as he is set to marry Queen Nailah within the coming weeks.
Despite them both having a few reserves around attending another formal event, they decide to pay their respects by stopping by the wedding and congratulating them. Nailah offers them rooms at the palace for the remainder of their stay.
NovemberWith those at the palace taking to Soren better than the commonfolk, the both of them start to immerse themselves into the culture a bit more, indulging Nailah in wearing traditional garb. The handmaidens, and Ike, somehow convince Soren to learn their dances as well.
DecemberDespite enjoying their time spent in Hatari, the two decide to move on to something new. They aren't sure where to go next, but they're on the move regardless.

Year 2

Tellius Year 651 | 2012

January[Unbeknownst]; It’s been a few months out, traveling with Ike and Soren fully comes to terms with how he feels. He can’t admit his feelings to Ike, but with the arrival of the new year, he accepts himself as he is.
Soren thinks back to their send off. Just the mercenaries and Ranulf, who decided it would be best for him to remain at Skrimir’s side as his advisor.
FebruaryThe two get caught in a bad snow storm and are forced to spend an extra week at a local inn in some strange land. They make do with what they have.
AprilApril Fool’s Day, but it's just these two.
April 03 - Soren’s Birthday.
April 20th - Ike's Birthday. This is the first year Ike isn't showered with gifts and congratulatory remarks by anyone. Soren decides to do something special for him in place of that.
JuneIke and Soren get wrapped in their first major mission outside of Tellius and spend the next couple months traveling with a caravan to make ends meet.
AugustA year has passed since the two first left Tellius. They reminisce about the mercenary group and war and such.
Ike receives an invitation to fight in the Super Smash Brothers: Brawl tournament. As Ike becomes busier participating in matches and fighting his way through Subspace, Soren tries to become socially active with the contestants and associates in an effort to form a new identity separate from the commander. {SSBB}
SeptemberSoren meets Ephraim through Ike and the two get along well. He is one of the first people he considers a friend besides Ike.
He meets Lyon as well, who he entertains the idea of non-committal courtship with for a week, but they don't mesh as well together.
OctoberThe first MVWar breaks out and Ike and Eprhraim are looking to get involved. Soren meets Caetuna, who is often misunderstood by those around her. Seeing how well she pulls her own weight, he does his best to support her on the battlefield and is quickly dubbed her protector from there on.
NovemberThe Smash contestants regularly teleport in and out of service, between the tournament and war, using the matches as a way to spar and blow off steam.
DecemberAfter essentially spending the last two months together, Soren declares his feelings for Caetuna, despite still being totally unsure of himself. She is the only other person besides Ike that he feels comfortable enough to tell his story to, but he's also been long-certain of his feelings for Ike. Because of this, he takes no action on his feelings.

Year 3

Tellius Year 652 | 2013

JanuaryThe cleanup after the war is long and arduous, but with everyone's efforts put together, they rebuild the areas where battle often took place and build new bonds.
FebruaryAs soon as the cleanup is done and the SSBB tournament wraps up, Ike and Soren board a ship and make their way to --, continuing their world exploration.
AprilApril 3rd - Soren's Birthday.
Their ship lands and the two make their temporary home at a local inn. They run into other mercenaries and hear how lucrative the business here, so they set out to search for more local employers.
ㅤㅤApril 20th - Ike's Birthday.
June[Crystal Roses]; The two end up crossing paths with Caetuna on their travels. Being delighted to see her again and after far too little deliberation for his liking, Soren decides to follow through with an attempt at courting her, and immediately takes it back in fear. Still, they find a way to work things out, and remain on good terms.
In order to refocus his head, the sage puts all his efforts into making as much money as possible. He pawns the ring, redrafts their contracts, and actively spends time in town scouting for new opportunities.
JulyThe pair move on quickly to their next destination in search of new jobs to take on, finding they haven't gotten many bites in the last town.
August[Eye Contact]; Though disheartened from his recent romantic slip-up, Soren meets Commander Anthony Shepard {@/AnthonyEnglish9} through Matt, a shopkeep who holds special interest in him, and is invited out on a date. Although he's still unsure of himself and his sexuality, he accepts. Later on in the night, he finds out that Shephard is going through the same thing.
SeptemberWith Ike's attention increasingly pulled away by jobs - and fans, as his name begins to precede him more and more - Soren turns his attentions to spending more time with Anthony. They go on dates often, remaining as lowkey as possible.
NovemberAfter spending more time together, Soren is invited aboard Normandy - Commander Shepard's ship. Here, he shares his first kiss with the commander.
A week or so later, their budding romance is interrupted by a heated argument with Anthony's ex-wife, who reveals that they have a child together, and Soren is left rethinking his interest in their relationship.
DecemberAfter much deliberation, Anthony decides to continue his intergalactical service and departs the planet. Soren never hears from him again, continuing on with life traveling at Ike's side.

Year 4

Tellius Year 653 | 2014

JanuaryAt the start of the year, the two land in Ylisse, quickly finding that they're set somewhere in the distant future. They're just as quick to meet the Shepherds and be invited into the palace.
FebruaryWhile they're out and about in town, Soren meets Dante {/RevenantinRed} in passing for the first time, as the hunter's traveling through Ylisse shortly after the events of Project X Zone 2. He can't quite put his finger on it, but he finds something about him charming and tries to shake it off.
Dante doesn't stick around for more than a week before he's on his way but he's left quite the impression on the mage. Much to Soren's dismay, it doesn't take much for majority of his attention to inexplicably be pulled away the entire time he's there. The two build a solid friendship in a short amount of time.
MarchAfter a few months spent aiding the Shepherds in their work, they decide to enjoy their time in a future Archanea for what it is and explore this newfound territory. The two make their way around the Halidom of Ylisse, and visit Plegia (briefly) and Regna Ferox, "disguised" as much as they can be not to cause a ruckus.
AprilApril 3rd - Soren's Birthday.
April 20th - Ike's Birthday.
MayOnce they've seen all they can in Ylisse, Ike and Soren decide to make their way to the neighboring continent of Valm.
JuneIn the midst of their travels, they briefly hear rumors of a warrior claiming to be Ike's descendant. Soren gathers enough information on the man, who goes by Priam, to know that he aided in Chrom's plight and supposedly wields the holy sword Ragnell, but finds that they've arrived too late to meet him, and they assume it's only for the best.
Shortly after their visit in Chon'sin, they begin to make their way back to Ylisse to pay one final visit to the Shephards, and to prepare for their next excursion, whatever that may be.
JulyWhile in Ylisse, Ike receives an invitation to fight in the Super Smash Brothers for a second time. Soren reflects on the first tournament and makes an effort to be more supportive towards Ike. They find out Chrom, Lucina, and Robin will be joining them this time around. {SSB Wii U/3DS}
AugustIke is gearing up to rejoin the Smash tournaments. They're prepping for their stay at Smash Manor and choose to travel there separate from the participating Shepherds.
SeptemberSoren formally meets the other participants under the "Fire Emblem" category and takes well to Roy. They become good friends over the course of the games.
Soren also meets those within the "Legend of Zelda" category, consisting of former and new participants. One of the former fighters, the Hero of Twilight, takes a liking to him and they strike up an unexpected friendship.
OctoberDespite not initially liking him, Soren finds that he poses as a sort of mentor for Robin. He spends some of his time comparing their knowledge, sparring with them, and offering tactical advice.
[[title here]()] Soren formally meets Luigi during a Halloween event and quickly becomes friends.
[[title here]()] Though the Hero of Twilight is no longer participating in the new tournament, he still makes it a point to come back and visit Soren when he's able.
December2nd Smash Manor Christmas Celebration. As the night begins to wind down, Soren disappears from the grounds with TP Link and solidifies their bond.

Year 5

Tellius Year 654 | 2015

JanuarySoren and Vaati meet for the first time. They bond over being powerful wind mages.
Feeling unsatisfied with the state of their relationship, Soren decides to distance himself from Link. He understands and lets him know that he'll always have an ally in him.
February[White Rain]; Ike is finishing off his last few battles in the Super Smash Brothers tournament and remembers it’s Valentine’s Day. Soren shows up to the fight to help motivate him.
The days are easy and slow-paced recently and remain so for the next few weeks.
March[[title here]()] The Super Smash Brothers tournaments come to a close and Smash Manor has a large closing ceremony party. In an attempt to make Soren feel a little more included, Ike offers to dance with him.
The pair take some time to enjoy their last little bit of time in the Smash realm before deciding to head off to Hyrule (OoT).
AprilApril 3rd - Soren's Birthday.
April 20th - Ike's Birthday.
Soren formally meets the princess and is granted access to the royal archives, while Ike and Link learn from one another with a little bit of field training.
MayWhile visiting Dante for a day, Soren is introduced to his doppelgänger. There's instant attraction but Soren would rather continue spending his time with the cambion than to pursue anything with the demon. This is also his first run-in with a full demon so he remains weary of him for the time being.
June[Pulse]; Soren and Dante enter a romantic relationship for the first time and it's made public. He officially decides to come out as bisexual in the process.
JulyThe month has been a complete whirlwind. The sage has all but moved into Devil May Cry, becoming acquainted with some of the hunter's colleagues and helping him maintain the shop.
AugustThe couple breaks up but continue to see each other casually. It's the beginning of a long, tumultuous relationship between the two.
SeptemberVaati ascends the throne of Hyrule (Vaati's Reign AU) and successfully kidnaps Soren. He then attempts to force him into a marriage, which turns out to be not so successful. From here on out, Soren keeps his distance from that version of Hyrule, its ruler, and many strangers in general. Between this and his recent heartbreak, he's regularly exhausted.
OctoberTo help get over the breakup and alleviate the stress of being abducted, Ike decides to take up the mantle in planning their next few trips, much to Soren's surprise.
November[Clean Bandages]; Unhappy with the fact that Soren is upset and keeping secrets from him, Ike confronts him about his relationship with the devil hunter. Things are strained for a portion of time afterwards, but as the days pass, the two slowly begin to come to an unspoken understanding again. One that may involve their true feelings for each other.
DecemberDec. - Perda Journal Entry
Dec. 16th - Perda passes, marking the end of Timeline A (account reset and archived).
Dec. 24th - [Moonlight]; Ike and Soren head to Ylisse for a Christmas dinner being held by Chrom, but the Outrealm Gate malfunctions and Soren ends up stuck in Tellius for an indefinite amount of time, alone. He has inexplicable dreams for a few months as a side effect.
Dec. 25th - Christmas day is spent hanging out with Roy to try and shake his despair and, finding it hard to do so, Christmas night is ultimately spent tipsy with a certain white-haired devil.

Year 6

Tellius Year 655 | 2016

JanuaryDespite his broken heart, Soren and Doppelgänger begin dating. Soren thinks Doppelgänger is joking when he asks him out, but he’s not. Needing some sort of support to keep himself emotionally steady, he decides to accept him.
FebruaryDante leaves, barely on good terms with Soren. They have a tough conversation that leaves them both feeling a little shaky.
In the meantime, Soren plots his next big trip. He wants to throw himself into his studies to help his mind off of his recent misfortune and to try to come to terms with losing two of the most important people in his life.
Soren meets Vincent Valentine {@VinceValentine7} for the first time. He finds that his reputation has preceded him.
MarchDante comes back for a little bit to visit and the two partially mend their relationship, but he ultimately ends up leaving again for some time.
After seeing people arrive from this land, Soren leaves for Hoshido for a time. Oddly enough, it’s the only place he’s able to travel to for a while. He rents a small cottage on the outskirts of the nation to spend time researching their weapons and customs.
About a week later, Soren runs into Prince Ryouma at the market. They instantly form a strong bond and spend the week together.
Soren is invited to a formal tea ceremony. Feeling as though he’s learned all he needs to know from Hoshido for now, he departs for Tellius.
AprilApril 3rd - Soren's Birthday. Feeling better about himself, Soren returns for his birthday and hosts a slumber party with a few close friends. He receives one of his most memorable gifts at the end of the night from his beloved.
April 20th - Ike's Birthday. It's the first time the traveling duo have been apart during Ike's big day. Unable to reconnect with or contact the swordsman, Soren wonders if he's alright.
JuneSoren and Gemini (now Harumi) {@GeminiBlutRose} meet for the first time.
After spending weeks together and sharing bits of advice, Soren and Gemini become close enough that Soren considers her to be like his little sister.
JulyWhile in the market for a new books and foreign wares, Soren comes across a book on teleportation gates. This starts to give him ideas on new ways to find Ike.
SeptemberSoren finally tells Radiare how he feels, in order to get those feelings off of his chest and be relieved of them. Doppelgänger proposes 3 days later, and as usual in their relationship, he initially did not take him seriously.
December[Light] Soren and Doppelgänger finally get married.

Year 7

Tellius Year 656 | 2017

JanuarySoren purchases a home and a plot of land (his current property) with the money gifted to him from the wedding.
The couple plots their honeymoon but don't end up going.
FebruarySoren and his husband divorce as a result of his sudden disappearance.
Dante happens to return soon after. Soren, still deep into him and needing to push off the pain of his divorce, can’t deny his feelings and asks him out again. And with the cycle repeating itself, Dante accepts him.
Finding it easier to move back in with Dante, Soren sells his home to the state of Crimea to get some of his money back.
AprilApril 3rd - Soren's Birthday.
Soren and Dante break things off again after a couple weeks, for the final time. They don't speak for a while following this break up.
With the book he found last autumn in hand, Soren refocuses himself so he can fall totally and utterly into his studies. He devotes his waking hours to figuring out how to reach out to Ike.
April 20th - Ike's Birthday.
MayDuring his travels, Soren and Katsuro meet for the first time and the two feel a strange connection that neither can quite put their finger on. Regardless, they take to each other well and soon become friends, with Katsuro looking up to Soren.
AugustSoren and Nadia meet for the first time.
DecemberSoren finally returns from his sudden leave, supposedly having been gone for studying and gaining more knowledge. He rents out a room at an inn in Crimea for a long-term period.

Year 8

Tellius Year 657 | 2018

JanuarySoren meets Frankie for the first time and the two share a feeling to what he did with Katsuro. Similarly, Frankie latches onto him and he feels a strong need to look after her where he's able, in spite of his aversion to parenthood.
AprilApril 3rd - Soren's Birthday.
April 20th - Ike's Birthday.
OctoberSoren takes Katsuro and Frankie to visit.

Year 9

Tellius Year 658 | 2019

AprilApril 3rd - Soren's Birthday.
April 20th - Ike's Birthday.
June[Home Sweet Home]; Vaati gifts Soren 20,000 silver rupees (??? Gold) to repurchase his house and plot of land.
Soren and Radiare renovate/update the house with wooden flooring, glass windows, and new furniture.
JulyFrankie, now 18, moves in and Soren officially becomes her guardian.
AugustSoren meets Vergil {@FemaleNephilimV} for the first time.
After settling in and moving her belongings into their new house, Frankie is off to her freshman year of college.

Year 10

Tellius Year 659 | 2020

MarchVincent reappears but under some... strange circumstances.
Soren meets Nyota for the first time, bonding over a cup of tea.
AprilApril 3rd - Soren's Birthday.
After reconnecting on a mission based in Midgar and becoming close friends, Soren and Vincent make a promise to one another to check in with each other later on down the road, when majority of their friends have passed on.
April 20th - Ike's Birthday.
Soren meets Zander for the first time. Spurred on by Vergil's suggestion, Zander drops in to pay Tellius a visit. {Unfinished thread}
OctoberOctober 13th - [The Storm]; Vincent disappears without a word on his birthday, leaving Soren with feelings of bitterness and betrayal.
DecemberDante returns once more. {Unfinished thread}